New category ? Tower defense / Survival
1 year ago

I was doing the Dark Harvest category but i noticed, the more i played the harder it was, at a point im wondering who among the players can last the longest. Rules : Revert time for this category, IGT. Name : Tower defense or Survival (on Summoner's rift). How to play : Dont lose and wont win against 5 bots in custom game (solo only)... Why : i sold some items because i was too tanky and i wanted to do also 100 kills, but i found out being tanky helped a lot, also its hard to keep both super munions and enemy champs away from nexus, plus u have to avoid winning which is hard if the enemy champions are dead, what do you think ? (btw its the DH run, and i also got 100kills lol, and i call it Tower defense because you're defending against 3 roads of incoming super munnions + 5 champs at the end of the game)

Gaming_64 likes this

I don't understand, you loose when you die ? I don't understand how this would be a speedrun category ?


so i played bot-coop league games for like 3000 games, if you play a beginner Coop game, normally you end up winning because the enemy champs are under leveled from leaving lanes a lot, thats why that gamemode exists in first place, so you win easily. So the strat is to let them farm, but not too much since you need gold in a 1v5. If you let the bots farm up levels and gold, and not harass their lanes (cs + objectives in lanes) , you arent gonna win from your munions - instead you're gonna get some trouble and thats when you need to balance between farming jungle to farming lanes to avoid losing quick (and believe me its really hard defending 1v5 early) - you cant just farm jungle bc enemy champs group up on you in one lane that is pushing and you're gonne be forced to 1v5 permanently - so avoid that, and you cant farm lanes, bc you're gonna be underleveled yourself (so equal to bot's levels)- or even, you cant just be in one lane, because all 3 lanes would be pushing from fed bots, so you gotta move from lane to lane to jungle to lane, for example. Later, when at about 40mins in, you're gonna be pushed in from bots being quicker and healthier (longer time to kill, to move to them, to get back to fountain whilst their progression), but also the bots are going to use more of their items such zhonya's hourglass, or maybe G.A. On top of that, you're gonna be restricted to stay near the 3 inhibs., and even they wont stand after 50minutes, so you're gonna be doing the classic Tower defense, where you cant leave the fountain & nexus, because minions are killing you quicker and they all merge to one lane, thats when i realized that the strategy is to take someone with good attack, good tankability and someone quick, Rengar is great, hecarim is great, lee sin i guess, but not zed, not annie.... not.. supports.. not adcs ...

Gaming_64 likes this

no, @MaxyneCash you don't lose when you die : instead you lose from Victory ! or Defeat !, you gotta stay the longest in the game (in game time, i stayed for over an hour) against 5 Custom's beginner's bots who are not trying to win at first but then are trying to win, as a mod you go to Create Full game category, Edit, "Timer asc.", its like a high score thing... i think it should be called Survive%

Gaming_64 likes this

Pretty bad category imo since all other categories are to complete/do something as fast as possible while this one asks for the ability to last as long as possible which goes against the entire 'speedrunning' thing.

MaxyneCash likes this

I follow ZenKih on this one, i don't see the speedrun part on it, challenges runs aren't really the goal of this site

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Small change to 5 Deaths

Thanks to everyone who played in the 5 Deaths category in the past two weeks! Due to the good acceptance of the category we decided to do a few changes:

  • 5 Deaths will be a permanent category.
  • 5 Deaths - Summoner's Rift sub-category will be created.

Obviously all the old runs

3 hours ago