We finally got the new page!!!
1 year ago
Washington, USA

Woke up to see that the new page for the steam version of anger foot being up, I'm very happy to see this! I have to go to work soon but once I get back later I'd assist in moving runs over.

ytilaeR, Patatoes and 2 others like this

Yes this is good. This time let's handle the versions and categories in a uniform way right of the bat. I wanna verify the categories we wanna create for now.

What I suggest in the order from left to right: Any% Plain Tekkies (Demo) Any% Any Shoes (Demo) All Goons Plain Tekkies (Demo) All Goons Any Shoes (Demo)

Once the full game releases we can move the demo categories to Misc. and do seperate categories with the same layout. For rulings we can mostly stick with the old ones from itch.io.

Things that are still open to discuss imo: *) Timing at the end of the run. Should time of full game runs end with the first frame of the "Thank you for Playing" screen or should it stop with the frame the ingame time stops at the final level? *) Should Any% Plain Tekkies be our new default category? Potatoes suggested this in the past and I think that would be a good decision.

I'll start moving runs once the mods agree to a common concensus. Let's make sure we all have the same idea before moving runs. Also please address any open topics I forgot for creating the leaderboard.

Dylenoyer94 and Patatoes like this
Minnesota, USA

Those four categories are a great start. I think I'll try to get an All Goons run to get us started. If we want any joke categories later on, I had the abhorrent idea of Beer% where you drink every beer in the game.

Dylenoyer94, ytilaeR, and Patatoes like this
Washington, USA

I like the sound of the categories to start, and I also like the idea for some joke categories down the road!

I think that any% plain tekkies sounds good for a main default category, besides you have to unlock the extra shoes in the first place and new runners probably won't have those right away so I think that works great!

And then for the timing I personally like the timing of when the "thanks for playing" shows up but the other option isn't bad either, both would allow us to accurately time runs.

Patatoes likes this

Since we all agree on the categories, I guess it's a go ! And I'm all about joke categories too obviously :)

And let's officially go for "Thanks for playing" as the final end time method. We have a consensus for that too.

And just to be sure, Dylenoyer and I discussed that any% runs with the old corridor blasters are now obsolete , sorry for the runners! Are we all agreeing on that? In case of future gameplay-related patch we'll decide on the go too.

Dylenoyer94, ytilaeR, and Davdus like this

Alright, I filled in the 4 base categories. I also renamed individual levels so that it is from level 1 to 11, since that's the direction the devs went to name levels, what do you guys think about that? Can't wait for those boards to be filled with people :)

Dylenoyer94 and Davdus like this

Thanks Potatoes! How do we go about moving the Demo runs over? Should we reject existing Demo runs on the itch.io with the message "please submit Steam runs here"? We need to make sure people stop submitting Steam runs to the other leaderboard in some way.

Dylenoyer94 and Patatoes like this
Washington, USA

So as for moving over the runs from the itch.io version it's going to be just copying and pasting, so just getting the URL and the runner's name for each run and submitting their runs then just verifying them, after that whole process is done we can delete those categories from that leaderboard, then just to be safe we can also put up a post in the forums saying so, also we can direct any steam runners that find themselves there by leaving a link for them to go to the leaderboard for the other version.

I've got the time right now, I'll start that process now and I'll give an update when either I'm done for the day or if I manage to complete this process.